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Site sur l'histoire militaire russe

MessagePublié: 07 Fév 2011, 09:54
par MELCHIOR Thierry
Bonjour à tous,

Suite au dernier message de son créateur sur le forum de « Napoleon Series » :
The translations of Viskovatov Vols. 17 and 18 are done and posted at

These complete the volumes covering 1801-1825, so all of Viskovatov regarding the Napoleonic period is now available.

Vol. 17 deals with cadet corps, artillery and engineering schools, general officers, adjutants, orderlies, commandants, etc., and flags and standards of regular forces.

Vol. 18 deals with cossacks of all sorts, Bashkirs and Kalmucks, the 1806 militia, the 1812 mass levy (opolchenie), specially raised units for 1812, as well as the flags and regalia of these irregular and temporary forces. A short section on campaign medals concludes Viskovatov's treatment of the reign of Alexander I.

If you look through the source notes, it is interesting to see that to research the 1812 forces, Viskovatov in the late 1840's obviously sent queries throughout the provinces to capture elusive information and the fast disappearing memories of that generation.

Mark Conrad

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Ce site couvre pratiquement toute l'histoire militaire russe (voire d'autres nations) !

Bonne lecture,